Whare Tautoko Learning Hub

Whare Tautoko, or WT as many call it, is a multifaceted, meaningful and positive learning support area for CHS Aakonga. This hub is a shared space where extension, correspondence, reformative, pastoral and remedial mahi can all be seen in action. There are two smaller attached rooms connected to one main learning central room.

This space also provides direct internal access to RTLB, the Nurse's office and our counselling team.

Some services currently running in WT:

  • SAC Assistance (Special Assessment Conditions)
  • Te Kura Correspondence
  • Scholarship extension mahi
  • Extension - NCEA
  • Community Reading programmes
  • Whare Ora (Internal restorative programme)
  • Tuition and learning assistance
  • Transition Assistance
  • Access to computers for assessment and additional mahi
  • Interval and Lunchtime access for rangatahi looking for a quieter space to study or rest during breaktimes

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