Mrs Kath Dobson

Tena koutou katoa e te whanau,
It is with great pleasure to have been elected to serve on the CHS Board of Trustees.
My family feel very privileged to be living and making the most of all the opportunities on offer in the Cambridge community. My husband works locally as a builder and our three children attend local schools with the intent of them all completing their Secondary School education at CHS.
I am very passionate about working with youth and their achievement. I have been involved in education for well over 20 years
I felt it was important to play my part in helping to make CHS the best possible school it can be to ensure all student achievements are met through meaningful and engaged learning while on their five-year journey at CHS.
I want to ensure we are continuing to put into practice an expectation of high standards for all our students and to instil in our students the belief that it is ok to achieve and to do well in all aspects of their learning, sport and cultural activities. I want to continue to help strengthen the sense of cohesiveness, purpose and team spirit within the school grounds.
I want our students to be leaving CHS with a real sense of purpose and belief in themselves, so they are capable to contribute positively to their community, in any capacity or whatever life pathway they choose.
Thanks for electing me onto the Board of Trustees at Cambridge High School.
We are a very dedicated team with real vision for CHS to be a caring, connected school of choice.


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