Te Oko Horoi House Leaders

Hannah Gordon - House Prefect
Sport and outdoor activity are huge passions for me and my goal this year is to build connections with students. I am to provide an inclusive, fun environment within our house resulting in all students participating in activities while also enjoying themselves. Already, I have seen many students contributing in events such as swimming sports and athletics day and I hope to see more students helping to gain TOH house points. I can't wait to see what else we'll achieve this year!

Madeleine Jago - House Prefect
Kia ora koutou katoa! Ko Madeleine tōku ingoa. I am privileged to have been selected as one of the Te Oko Horoi House Prefects this year, and one of the leaders of the brand-new Te Huinga committee (alongside Brady Mitchell). I have always loved getting involved in house events at school and giving everything a go. This has led me to try other things around the school such as sport and cultural groups which have then become my passions. As a member of the senior student executive this year, I hope to encourage other students of the school to do the same and get involved with all the exciting activities in 2024. Ngā mihi ki a koutou. UP THE TANIWHA!

Danielle D'Ath - House Captain
Kia ora everyone! My name is Danielle – or just Dani – and I am very excited to be one of our amazing Te Oko Horoi House Leaders in 2024. Getting involved and having a good time has always been my priority and I believe I can bring this to the TOH team. This year we aim to have a year full of participation, fun, and taniwha spirit with never a dull moment!
Kingston Harrop - House Captain
Kia Ora, I’m Kingston, House Captain for Te Oko Horoi in 2024. Although I have only been at Cambridge High School for 2 years, my goal this year is to make the most of the experiences and events the school has to offer. I want everyone in Te Oko Horoi to get into the events fully this year. The more people the better so we can hopefully win that house shield back. We can do it if we work together!

Isaac Mace - House Captain
Kia Ora, my name is Isaac. It is an awesome opportunity to be selected as a House Captain for Te Oko Horoi in 2024. I love sports, the outdoors, getting involved in house events and giving things a go. This year I aim to help others participate and step outside their comfort zone. I can’t wait to get involved and see the progress Te Oko Horoi makes this year. I hope that 2024 is the year Te Oko Horoi can win the house shield.
Tegan O'Dwyer - House Captain
Hey, my name is Tegan, I am excited to be a house leader for Te Oko Horoi this year! I want to spread my passion for sport with our school by encouraging everyone to get involved in the house activity days. I have been a part of many sports teams in my years as CHS and I have recently joined the sports committee to further encourage students to get involved. I look forward to seeing more people participating in house activities from Te Oko Horoi. Go the Taniwha!