Mr Jordan Newlands
A teacher at CHS for eight years in the Health and Physical Education Faculty, I'm passionate about making CHS a fantastic place to attend for both staff and students hence putting myself forward to represent our staff on the Board of Trustees as the Staff Representative.
I was a bicycle mechanic prior to teaching and spent a number of years travelling abroad as a working mechanic as well as working in local cycle shops in the Waikato area. Graduated University with my teaching and sport and leisure degrees in 2012 but took my time leaving the bike world behind me and getting my first and only teaching role at Cambridge High in 2015. I've loved my time here and enjoy interacting with both staff and students.
Married to my wife Sara who is a born and bred Cambridge girl, we have two young sons under three years old and we love being part of this vibrant community. When I'm not with the family, you'll find me watching sport or out fishing to unwind and relax.
I look forward to doing what I can, where I can as part of this Board to ensure CHS is one of the best high schools in New Zealand to attend as a student and work as staff member.