
Equestrian is a growing sport at Cambridge High School. Teams and individuals get a chance to compete at Show jumping, Dressage, Eventing, Show Hunter, and combined competitions throughout the year. Students must provide their own horse/pony and be able to transport themselves to shows which are often in the weekend. Show jumping ranges between 60cm-1.20m and dressage tests start at 0 level (walk and trot tests) and go up to level 5/6. We are lucky enough to compete in a range of venues such as St Peter’s Cambridge, Leamington Pony Club, NEC at Taupo, and Takapoto Estate. There is no obligation to enter all shows as an equestrian student, you can choose the shows which will work best for you and your horse/pony. Our aim is to develop students who are focused on horsemanship, fair play, and the enjoyment of competing.
Contact: Miss Emily Wright - EWT@camhigh.school.nz
Practice Times: No specific practice times for equestrian but trainings/ clinics could be organised through the year depending on interest.
Fees: Fees for equestrian range throughout the year. Depending on the shows that students enter, these entry fees get charged to their school accounts. Prices are communicated when entry information is sent out about each show.
Uniform: A CHS long sleeve top can be provided for shows to be worn along with white/beige breeches. An approved helmet is required for all competitions.
Gear Required: Students will need to have their own horse and gear to compete at an appropriate level for students’ abilities and experience. An approved helmet is always required, and an approved back protector may be required depending on the show.
Important Dates: The dates for equestrian shows range between Term 1- 4. Dates of specific shows are communicated well in advance by email.