Honour Board

CHS Old Boys Memorial

Cambridge High School is proud, in this, the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli, to acknowledge those old boys who made the ultimate sacrifice in The Great War.

RIP -Honoured Warriors

We do not know how many old boys of the school served in the Great War. We do know that 35 old boys answered the call and paid the ultimate price for their country and families.
The New Zealand Expeditionary Force was a small but powerful and important Force in the Great War serving in Gallipoli, Egypt , Palestine and the Western Front. The war had a huge impact on society and on the development of New Zealand as a nation.
In 1914 there were just over 1 million people in the country and 120,000 men enlisted for many reasons in a wave of patriotic enthusiasm and a sense of duty to the mother country. In all 103,000 served overseas, many of them leaving the country for the first time. Of those, 18,500 were killed and approximately 41,000 were wounded, some 15% of the male population of New Zealand becoming casualties in some way.
On the Western Front the Kiwis were known as the 'Silent Division' for their skill and professionalism. Over 3,000 served in the Australian forces and many others enlisted in the United Kingdom. Over 2,000 Maori and Pacific Islanders also enlisted and served overseas.


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