
If you join our family of librarians, you will be entering the "Novel Clan". We are a family of about 50, and together we serve the school library.  

You will join a team to do library duty on a specific day and you will be led by one of our Senior School Library Committee members. The school library is a wonderful place to get to know others from the school and it has a great pathway into leadership, with our Leadership Committee and Head Librarians teams.

These teams organise your duty days and most importantly our library family social functions. This includes our annual pool party to welcome you. 

As a student librarian you get first dibs on our amazing books, you have a special possie to be at break times and you will become part of a stunning group of students who love books, care about each other and serve our school.

Contacts: Glenys Bichan or Leanne Montgomerie


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